
Salon Raumverstehen (2021)

Posted in Productions

im KulturinstitutMobil (KIM)

Salon Raumverstehen understands urban space as a moving organism. Like in an urban environment dance, body and place are in a direct sensual relationship to each other. The visible and invisible power structures of urban spaces, the everyday struggle for living space and quality of life and the sensitive dynamics between the most diverse user groups of the place are renegotiated. Short lectures by experts, practical exercises with the audience, short performances and joint reflection and discussion. The aim is to understand urban space together and to enable the audience to actively participate in shaping the city. In 2021, the Raumverstehen salons took place at five urban locations that were previously untapped for events and are currently undergoing change processes. The salon took place in KIM – the KulturInstitutMobil, a mobile venue (cargo bike) that was specially made for the event in cooperation with the Arrivo workshop for refugees at the S27 cultural center.

Performances/Collaborations: Uferhallen Wedding (in Co-operation with Ausufern at Uferstudios); Z/KU Centre for Arts and Urbanistics; Nachbarschaftscampus Dammweg (in Co-operation with Alkebu-Lan Black Arts Fest, Mince e.V. and Mondiale); Treptowateliers Köpenick (in Co-operation with Runder Tisch für Liegenschaftspolitik); Berolinakiez (in Co-operation with Sabine Zahn Lovelabours)

For more information and detailed documentation see: www.kimkommt.de

Instagram @kulturinstitutmobil

Facebook @kulturinstitutmobil

Concept, direction KIM: Gabriele Reuter

Choreography & Performance Salons: Gabriele Reuter and Susanne Martin

Production: Veronika Wagner

Communication: Zoé Duflot

Funded by NEUSTART Kultur, Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media, NPN Stepping Out